Eva designs and builds for the web

Eva Decker is a design engineer who likes playing piano and writing CSS. Currently living in NYC with Samwise.

A social security card, a passport, a Massachusetts state ID, and a flower. There is a snail on every object and they are styled with a photocopier aesthetic.


I’m leading the design and brand of an app to help streamline the legal name change and gender change process. Launching in 2024 with support from the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition.

A user interface displays health history.
The word "Commonplace" is surrounded by components like buttons and progress bars.


I established the first design engineering role at Cityblock. Over 2½ years, I built a design system and led the design of multiple complex product features for health history, documentation, and planning.

An interface displaying a collection of creative assets.


At Dropbox I led design for an internal tool to coordinate millions of emails and in-product messages, helped ship a presentation tool for creatives, helped launch time-based comments on audio and video files, and pixel-hinted rebranded icons for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Also ran a book club.


I helped streamline Swiftype’s product navigation and dashboard, creating new navigation icons and a set of empty state illustrations. With the head of design, launched a new marketing site.


I work solo with teams of all sizes on design and front-end engineering (plus occasional branding and illustration). I love pairing with orgs in civic tech, social justice, music, and gaming. Send me an email and let’s make something great.